Saturday, March 29, 2014

Seen a Blackfish lately? Don't. Unless it's this one.

Lovingly tribal, spiritually-connected creatures of the oceans being torn away from their pods and put into such an unnatural and cruel living conditions, so far removed from their natural environment... 
How can we knowingly allow this to continue? 

Is it any wonder after being confined and made to do tricks solely for human entertainment that they start to hurt their captors? Just Say No to captive orcas turning tricks. And dolphins. And...

Shocking footage and riveting interviews with trainers and experts manifest the orca's extraordinary nature, the species' cruel treatment in captivity over the last four decades and the growing disillusionment of workers who were misled and endangered by the highly profitable sea-park industry. This emotionally wrenching, tautly structured story challenges us to consider our relationship to nature and reveals how little we humans truly know about these highly intelligent, and surprisingly sentient, fellow mammals that we only think we can control.